Tappy Hour

I had to re-write that title nine times before autocorrect would quit changing tappy into happy. And then the first sentence of this post, too. I’m really dedicated to my craft. ANYWAY.

Yesterday morning I got a little bit of work done on the computer before it was time to take the old man out. He was still wiped out from frolicking on the beach and it took me a few minutes to convince him that getting out of bed would make his arthritic little legs loosen up a bit.


“Go away peasant” -Santo.

We had to make our walk super short because it currently feels like we are living next to the world’s biggest campfire. OH wait…WE ARE. The smoke and ash are insane and being outside for more than a small amount gives me a massive headache and makes me nauseous.

Every day we walk by the same house for sale and man am I starting to want this sucker.


The inside is even more beautiful than the outside (I’ve done some world-class creeping through the windows. Thanks neighbors for not calling the cops on me!!! 🙂 :)). The price is reasonable, the neighborhood is beautiful, and it’s brand new. David and I talk about it all the time. The only problem is that it’s sort of in a strange location on the street, right across from a different neighborhood that doesn’t quite match the aesthetic, and it’s been on the market for months and months. I wouldn’t want to buy a house that we would be stuck with down the line because nobody else wants it. Hmm.


The backyard even looks out onto a little nature area. Ahh. I digress.

When we got home I plopped my little tushie on the couch and did some reading! I have been letting my reading time slip away the last few days, and it’s something that is really important to me. Since I am not in school this year I want to read for at least an hour every day and I just need to make it happen. So yesterday I did!


I munched on the pad se ew that David had made the night before. Pro tip: marry a man who likes to cook. It’s awesome. Also, I am loving reading these short stories! It’s nice to be able to sit down and read an entire narrative in just a few minutes..instant gratification. Although my pal Ernest is pretty dark. Wowza.

Sometime after lunch I drove to the boys’ house! Unfortunately, their first day of school was cancelled since Oregon smells like a giant dumpster fire, so we just played around the house instead. Steven and I worked for a long long time on his halloween costume.


This was all his idea! He wants it to look like he’s been eaten by a dinosaur. Still a ways to go but I am seriously so impressed! I didn’t do anything he had the whole idea and told ME how to help! Wowza. His little brother wasn’t feeling too good and was napping on and off most of the time I was there. I think the smoke is getting to him, he said he felt really sleepy and that his head hurt. He didn’t have a fever so I just let him rest.

We also did a bunch of drawing.


Remember that time in second grade when you had your mind blown because you learned how to draw 3D boxes and stuff? Yeah, I pretty much peaked artistically at that moment.

Once it was time to go home, I ran home to feed the beast and switch shoes and then it was off to TAP CLASS!!!!!



Gene Kelly from the past is my hall pass. Luckily, David has nothing to be worried about. Look at him. GAH.

Where was I? Ah yes. Tap!! I haven’t done studio dance since my freshman year of high school, and I have been missing it ever since. When I noticed the sign up for an adult tap class at the same place the boys do gymnastics, I couldn’t resist! All the women in the class have kids that do dance at the academy, and they were such a fun and friendly group to dance with. We went over basic steps, did some across the floors, and then learned a few easy combinations. My calves are already sore this morning! I can’t wait to go back every week.

When I got home, I enjoyed a slice of the lemon-blueberry cake I made on Saturday while I waited for David to get off work.


My mom taught me this trick: when you’re eating sheet cake, cut the bottom off. Then it feels like you get to eat two pieces of cake AND the top layer has a 1:1 cake-to-frosting ratio! It’s PERFECT.

When David came home we started season two of Broadchurch, but we managed to restrain ourselves and only watch two episodes. Wow. Adulting. He also brought me a nifty back brace from his pharmacy that I’m hoping will help my back out when I’m CNA-ing!


I have mixed feelings about back braces. When I see weightlifters using them at the gym, all I can think is “if you need to use a brace to get the weight up, you’re lifting too heavy of weights.” But the fact is, sometimes at work I AM lifting loads that are too heavy for me. Sometimes from odd angles. I think the extra support will be much needed, and I’ll still work hard to make sure my abs are strong and helping out. We shall see!

Today’s agenda includes some Pilates, reading, tidying the house, nannying, and of course hanging with Santo and hedgehog! Have a wonderful Wednesday!

Labor Day Weekend

Happy Tuesday to you all! I hope you had a wonderful three-day weekend, or for those of us that had to work on some of the days..a wonderful regular weekend! hah.

On Friday morning I had my first day as a volunteer at OHSU. I’ll be spending four hours a week in the pediatric oncology/hematology unit playing with the kids, cleaning toys, giving parents a break, or anything I can do to be helpful. It was an unpleasant shock to me to see kids that sick. Kids stuck in bed, not able to run around or play, with tubes in their arms and noses, some too weak too even roll over. I had to keep myself from tearing up a few times..the last thing they need is some stranger reminding the families that they’re in a sad situation. It’s probably not something I’ll ever get “used to” but I will know how to handle myself.


After I’d finished up at the hospital, I drove work as a CNA. I was in a new unit, assisted living, and it was a pretty crazy night! We had a resident take a bad fall and paramedics were called in. I was one of the people who found her. The entire day Friday really helped put my own “problems” into perspective.

Saturday morning I was up bright and early, at work again! Since I didn’t nanny last week I signed up for a bunch of extra CNA shifts.


The face of someone who worked until 12am and then had to be up by 5 am to make it BACK to work. Which was totally my own, dumb decision. Black circles are so sexayyy. After my shift I returned to OHSU for an 8 hour day of volunteering. I needed to get in 8 more hours of partner volunteering before my first solo shift on Thursday, so I wanted to get it out of the way. I changed into my polo in my car, ate a Starbucks salad, and hit the floor!


That night when I got home I was absolutely exhausted. 14 hours of being on my feet, moving residents, playing with kids (which I LOVED don’t get me wrong), and walking over 20,000 steps. I was bone-tired and my back was murderously painful. I was supposed to work again Sunday morning but I knew I needed to give my body a chance to calm down otherwise I’d be laid up for weeks. I slept long and hard Saturday night.

Turned out to be a good thing I did, because on Sunday I randomly caught a bug! I must have picked up some weird thing while being at the hospital, and I couldn’t keep any food down from noon until around 7pm. Fun fun fun. David came home from work and we decided to stick with our plans of heading to the beach anyway. I was starting to feel slightly better and able to keep stuff down, so we packed up the car and headed out!


Our friends Rachel and Harrison live in an adorable beachside neighborhood and we LOVE to go visit them. Two of our other friends were there and we loved catching up! It’s crazy how many of our friends from Montana are in Oregon with us now! #NoNewFriends. Friday night we went to a tap room called “The Black Squid”. They had board games, all sorts of drinks and snacks, a cool atmosphere, and great music. I had two pints of Kombucha and left looking like I was 6 months pregnant. THERE YOU GO SILLY STOMACH CALM DOWN OK GEEZE.

Monday, after a light breakfast, we headed to the beach.


heh. heh. Santo was PUMPED.


We relaxed, played with the dogs, played Polish horseshoes, and visited. There’s something so calming and wonderful about being next to the ocean.


We had to pack up and leave around 2pm. We thought we had a potluck to get to but halfway through the drive we realized the potluck was NEXT weekend. Oops! I had even baked a cake on Saturday….more for us I suppose!! We relaxed at home and the, per my mom’s suggestion, started the show Broadchurch.



OH. MY. LANTA. You guys, we finished the first season. We were up until 2am. I NEVER DO THAT. Seriously…never. No matter how good the show is I always get tired after two or three episodes. With this show it wasn’t even an option. One episode would end and we’d just look at each other and click “next episode”. We couldn’t stop.


There’s two more seasons but I don’t think we should start the second one tonight…I really need to be up before 10am tomorrow!!

Today I am picking up the boys’ after their first day of school!! I can’t wait to hear all about it!! Happy Tuesday!!